Young People

We believe that our conservation-based volunteering is accessible and enjoyable for all young people.  But don’t just take our word for it, come and see for yourself!

You will be working in the outdoors and surrounded by nature.  You can be yourself with no pressures or expectations from the outside world.

Whatever your age and ability, we have something for you.

If you are in Y9 or below, you will need to come along with an adult.  If you are in Y10-13 you can attend alone but an adult must sign you in and out.


There are many ways that you can become involved and volunteer with Chiltern Rangers including:

  • General conservation volunteering. Spend a day in the great outdoors and get that feel good factor from a day of fresh air, exercise and giving back to the environment.  Suitable for all ages but an adult must be with you if you are in Y9 or below.  Please complete this form if you are interested in becoming a Chiltern Rangers volunteer.


  • Work Experience placements (including long term): ages 15 to 18 and over 18


  • Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering: year 9 and above.  Y9s must be accompanied by an adult.


We also run sessions for uniform groups and New Shoots.  If you are interested or would like further information, please contact us.

  • Uniform Groups (Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Cadets, etc): ages 6 to 18
  • New Shoots: a one-year programme of monthly meet-ups for 15- to 21-year-olds as an introduction to wildlife surveying and countryside management.


Please do not hesitate to call us on 01494 474486 or email for more information.