Chesham Cemetery Community Garden Project April 2021

This partnership project started with a community river restoration session working on the very special River Chess at Restore Hope Latimer with 2 rangers and 6 volunteers by cutting down non-native laurel to improve the light levels. We then began to work with Chesham Town Council and the Friends of Chesham Cemetery to design wildlife areas in Chesham Cemetery. After many false starts we finally did a two day build on April 12th and 13th. It was a great team effort with Ranger Paul and Ranger Artist Dan Wilson helped by 26 adult volunteers and 5 children who contributed 148 hours of volunteering.
Scroll through the gallery below to see how we achieved this.
We had such a lovely mix of volunteers-families, the Friends of Chesham Cemetery, Chesham in Bloom, Chesham Town Council and Chiltern Rangers Volunteers. We couldn’t have done it without them and created so many little wildlife havens in two days: Wildflower and Cherry Tree Seating Perch Planters on the hill with reflective messages sign written, Bird Feeder Pollinator Patch, an Arty Bird Boxes Walk, a Wild Patch, a Long Grass Insect Habitat Strip and Wildflower Beds. We are looking forward to seeing all the seed germinate as we continue to work to Keep Bucks Buzzing!

Please contact us if you would like to get involved in building or looking after these community wildlife area projects. We would love to see you!
Thanks to Chesham and Villages LAF (now Chesham and Villages Community Board), the Friends of Chesham Cemetery, Chesham Town Council and Bucks NEP for funding this project.