The Chilterns Conservation Board are holding a Celebration of the Chilterns event in October – see details below

Why a ‘Chilterns Celebration’?
Following COVID-19 and the cancellation of many events (including the Chilterns Summer Festival we had planned for June 2020), we (and our partners) want to ‘extend the season’ and offer you a month long Celebration of the Chilterns this October! 

What events will be part of the Celebration?
We have been working with partners and organisations across the Chilterns to bring you a range of free and family friendly events to Celebrate the Chilterns this October. Events and resources confirmed so far are: 

  • Youth skill sharing and taster session day in High Wycombe, including conservation skills, sound recording, artwork and more
  • Citizen science conference at Bucks New University (may be hosted online), with speakers from organisations including: BBOWT, Butterfly Conservation Trust, BTO and more 
  • Conservation skills trainings, led by Chiltern Rangers
  • Orchard apple pressing and story telling family event in Chinnor
  • Heritage walks and online workshops
  • Heritage research skills videos and volunteer interviews 
  • Colouring sheets and maps for families to enjoy 

How can you get involved? 
If you would like your event or online resource/ training to be a part of our Celebration of the Chilterns during the month of October, please do fill in our expression of interest form ASAP or contact our Festival Coordinator Jo Potkin. (Jo’s email is

Celebraton of the Chilterns poster